This really wasn't too interesting too me, for a number of reasons.
Firstly the animation wasn't all that great and could have used some more time and effort to improve it. Clearly the skills are there, but it could be so much better and I see the potential for it to be so.
The art style seemed too simplistic and as a result it didn't feel especially visually pleasing. I feel that it was limited by the animation, which is further proof that you could use more practice.
The voices were just awful; the script was embarrassing, the acting was dull and the recording quality was nothing short of lousy. I recommend researching proper recording equipment or at least looking for way to improve your technique with the equipment available.
Perhaps it's because I'm coming in at the 3rd episode, but regardless I wasn't really invested in the story. I didn't feel like anything for happening and most of the run time was exposition. Planning out the script around including some action wouldn't go amiss, though you left the episode on a decent enough cliffhanger. The problem is pacing; if your going to have an exposition episode, at least try to make it interesting.
I apologise if I seem like I'm just bashing this, but I feel that it deserves my honesty.
A little more time spent and this could be awesome; the artistic process is a long and tiring one, but the final product is so much sweeter when you give it the time it deserves.
Could be lack of practice for all I know, but wether your doing this for fun, or you want to take animation seriously you deserve to know what people think.
It did make the daily 3rd and it's reception seems to be somewhat positive judging by the star rating, but sadly I can not consider myself part of that apparent majority.