First post on a new account. Awesomeness!
I'm planning an animation project for the autumn, a series of short animations based an old comic strip I made in High school, which compared the games Call of Duty and Gears of War, which came about after me and a friend were discussing which was better. With Modern Warfare 2 making a ridiculous amount of profit on day one, perhaps it's not fair to base this on public opinion. Instead, a series of challenges, based on how each game is awesome.
However this is low in my priority list right now, with coursework animations reaching their deadline, and my first Manga series taking the fore front in my battle's brain to stay awake, it may be a while before anything comes out of the idea.
Right now I'm working an opening sequence to a short animated film I'll be producing over the next 3 years, based on another manga idea, which remains open for a future project.
It is due in about 2 weeks, so I'll post it up here early May.
With all this talk about doing projects, I seem to be producing less work, so goodbye and good night for now.